
Building Credibility in the Corporate World: Let's Talk about the Importance and Know-how of Building Credibility for Professional Success!

Credibility is a leader's currency. With it, he or she is solvent; without it, he or she is bankrupt.

-John C. Maxwell

Credibility is a quality that boosts a person's success regardless of whether he or she is an individual contributor, an aspirant groundbreaker, or a seasoned leader. When you are regarded as "credible," your route to professional success is more accessible.

In some ways, credibility is a greater standard than achievement. It implies that other people view you as a trustworthy source and decision-maker. It enables others who depend on you to know they can rely on, trust, and cooperate with you in business.

Why credibility?

When you are credible, people trust you because they believe you to be honest, capable, and reliable. Building credibility is the primary step in creating trust. We desire friends, colleagues, and coworkers we can rely on as we navigate daily life. People we trust are who we do business with. People we trust are hired. We follow leaders we have faith in. Therefore, it’s high time we talk about the importance of credibility and how we build it.

What happens when you are viewed as credible?

When you build credibility around your personality, people are receptive to hearing your views and respect your knowledge which further raises your influence in the field. Being credible has the benefit of people taking you seriously. The following are 4 advantages of having credibility:

1. Increases capital in relationships (RC)

We have a better chance of maintaining success when we get others' backing. To achieve difficult goals, we need the emotional assistance of others. We build relationship capital with others by our kept commitments, good perceptions, and ability to provide emotional support. Relationship capital can be built by continuously and proactively exhibiting accountability, responsibility, respect, and support. This "RC" confirms our reliability and is crucial to true and trustworthy leadership.

2. Promotes Real Leadership

With credibility, you establish influence which in turn is the foundation of authentic leadership. Great influencers, including CEOs, business owners, salespeople, clergy, parents, and educators, seem to have a flair for persuading others to do what they want while making everyone happy. Additionally, these leaders are persuadable in the kindest and most helpful sense of the word.

3. Makes Your Commitment Stronger.

Credible leaders that possess higher emotional intelligence are better able to handle situations that raise questions. It's not entirely impossible to prevent uncertainty. Leaders possessing considerable Relationship Capital can rely on their dependable nature to keep their commitment during trying circumstances.

4. Connects Values with Behaviour

Credible and reliable leaders always try to learn more about themselves, including what their own values or guiding principles are. Knowing your values helps you to lead with greater consistency. Your "true north compass" is determined by your ideals or guiding principles. Credibility and trust are produced by consistency. You may improve the effectiveness of your organization and its culture by serving as a good example for your staff.

What can you do to build your Credibility?

In order to be trustworthy, regardless of your position within a company or the sector you work in, you must cultivate a number of very specific traits. Here are the things you can do if you're determined to create and build your credibility:

• Integrity Goes Beyond Honesty

Integrity is the basis of everything. People that are honest in their work always act morally upright. Their actions continually reflect the beliefs they have. They act responsibly and fairly toward others. When you act honorably, you establish credibility time and time again.

• Set and Practice Clear Intentions

Ensure that you act with a clear conscience. People often wonder about your motives behind certain actions. Don't be surprised if they raise questions regarding your intentions. When your goals involve improving the lives of those around you, respect is earned. People who are seen as having constructive intentions for both parties will gain credibility and support. People who prioritize their own interests over those of others frequently lose credibility because of selfish motives. Therefore, a clear conscience can go a long way in people trusting your intentions and thus building your credibility.

• Build Capability and Competence

Capability is the third basic value. It gauges how effectively you can perform. It answers questions like - do you possess the skills, disposition, wisdom, and delivery style necessary to complete the responsibilities entrusted to you with competence? You should showcase capability and competence if you want to be taken seriously. By staying current with knowledge, skills, and trends in your field of expertise, you can improve your level of competence.

If you are someone who finds it challenging to build capability and competence, you can practice the following exercises:

  • Recognize and support your abilities instead of often questioning them. Believe in yourself.
  • Look for and accept assignments with great visibility and value.
  • When credit is due, accept it. Do not minimize your work or position, either for yourself or others.
  • Recognize that the workplace you work in is not a meritocracy. Without recognition and publicity, efforts are useless.
  • Do not lend out your ideas; rather, own them and claim credit for them.

• Results are more important than effort.

You will be evaluated on your performance, not your effort, in the corporate world, and that is a cold, hard fact. Your outcomes increase your stature and goodwill. Your track record of accomplishments is used to judge you. Here are a few tips to help you along the way to successful results:

  • Imagine yourself succeeding. For self-motivation, channel your passion and emotions.
  • Stop talking negatively to yourself and learn to control self-imposed doubts.
  • Request challenging, constructive criticism from your bosses.
  • Set your standards to produce quality results, but don't wait to strive to produce flawless results.


Credibility is one of the fundamental concepts when we talk about building an impeccable Executive Presence. In the modern world of corporate workplaces, competition is exceptionally high and one is expected to perform as an asset for the organization at all times. it is not always a piece of cake to be at your best at all times and fulfill everyone’s expectations. In such circumstances, creating a valuable Executive Presence can help to set you apart and provides you with credibility. This not only helps in terms of your professional success but also improves your living experience. With the right approach and attitude, you can develop a great Executive Presence and tackle each challenge like a champion.