
Case Study: Enhancing Executive Presence through Self-Awareness

“Self-awareness is the ability to see yourself clearly and objectively through reflection and introspection.”
— Tasha Eurich, Organizational Psychologist and Author


John is a senior executive at a multinational corporation. Despite his extensive experience and technical expertise, he struggles with his executive presence. Feedback from his team and peers often highlights his tendency to be unapproachable and reactive during high-stress situations. Recognizing the need for improvement, John engages in a stakeholder coaching program focusing on self-awareness.

Assessment Phase:

Self-Assessment: John starts with a series of self-assessment tools designed to evaluate his leadership style, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal skills. He identifies key areas where his self-perception diverges from how others perceive him. Notably, he discovers that his self-reported confidence and assertiveness are perceived as arrogance and insensitivity by others.

360-Degree Feedback: John receives feedback from his direct reports, peers, and superiors. Common themes in the feedback include his tendency to dominate conversations and a lack of empathy in decision-making processes. This feedback aligns with his self-assessment results, validating the need for targeted development.

Coaching Intervention:

Goal Setting: John and his coach set specific goals focused on enhancing his executive presence through improved self-awareness. The goals include:

1.Developing active listening skills.
2.Cultivating empathy and emotional intelligence.
3.Improving non-verbal communication to project approachability.

Action Plan:

Active Listening: John practices active listening techniques during meetings. He makes a conscious effort to acknowledge others' contributions and ask clarifying questions before responding.

Empathy Training: Through role-playing exercises and reflective practices, John works on understanding different perspectives and integrating empathy into his leadership style.

Non-Verbal Communication: John becomes more aware of his body language, ensuring that his posture, facial expressions, and tone of voice convey openness and respect.

John applies these strategies in real-world scenarios, such as team meetings and cross-departmental projects. He actively seeks feedback from his stakeholders to gauge the effectiveness of his new approach. Regular check-ins with his coach help him stay on track and make adjustments as needed.


Improved Team Dynamics: John's team reports a more collaborative and respectful working environment. His active listening and empathetic approach lead to more productive discussions and a stronger sense of trust within the team.

Enhanced Stakeholder Relationships: Stakeholders across the organization notice John’s increased approachability and openness. His ability to handle high-stress situations with composure and empathy positively impacts his relationships and enhances his executive presence.

Personal Growth: John gains greater self-awareness and confidence in his leadership role. He is more attuned to his impact on others and adjusts his behavior accordingly, leading to improved performance and satisfaction in his role.

This case study demonstrates that leveraging self-awareness through stakeholder coaching can significantly enhance executive presence. By understanding and addressing personal blind spots, executives like John can navigate leadership challenges more effectively and build stronger, more trusting relationships with their teams and stakeholders.

Ready to elevate your executive presence and transform your leadership style? Discover how personalized coaching can enhance your self-awareness and drive real change in your professional life.

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